I actually enjoy it because I can't get too hot, although, sweat is still entirely possible and expected. I enjoy having to focus on every step of the way to make sure I don't slip on the ice or sprain my ankle on an unexpected snow clump. I like knowing I wont have to worry about stopping every 2 miles for a drink of water or go into dehydration panic. I like feeling my legs warm up and cold nip at my cheeks. If you can get pumped up to run when it's 5 degrees outside and you know it's going to be brutal... you can run in anything. Like most of running, it's all about mental toughness.
There, of course, are some tricks I use to stay as warm as I can without adding too many layers. I don't leave home without my UA coldgear, the leggings are the must have. Well, for most cold days.. when it "heats" up into the 30s and 40s, I ditch the leggings and just wear the upper body long sleeve coldgear (which I also wear when it's colder.) Then, I just toss on a pair of shorts and shirt over them and nearly finished. I also happen to have UA snowboarding socks that aren't on the website anymore sadly (I bought them online at a clearance blowout sale they had). In addition, I have a UA hat and gloves that work very well. My hands are the worst part by far, I've considered heat packets but have never pulled the trigger on them.. I usually suck it up and get lucky after awhile that my hands warm up. On occasion, I've worn my UA running gloves AND my winter gloves over top of them to try to keep them warm.
If you're into running don't get suckered into a treadmill in the winter. I'm telling you, if you run outside all winter long the spring and summer is cakework compared to what you dealt with in regards to the elements and pressure/stress it puts on your body. It's well worth the effort and training.. if you don't push yourself, who will?
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